Developer Tools & Docs
Data Mocker
Real Estate Data Mocker API Reference
generates a message or schema object, and optionally sends it to your service.
GET /api/schema/mock/PostalAddress HTTP/1.1 200
"type": "PostalAddress",
"addressCountry": "SJ",
"addressCounty": "Buckinghamshire",
"addressLocality": "Kulasmouth",
"addressRegion": "New Jersey",
"postalCode": "10010",
"postOfficeBoxNumber": "Apt. 161",
"streetAddress": "166 Marion Burg"
optional query parameters
requiredOnly {true/false} (default: false)
if true only required properties will be returned
randomOptionals {true/false} (default: false)
if true, random properties and values will be included in the response. good for testing your handlers.
sortProperties {true/false} (default: false)
if true, the properties will be sorted by key
Need a bunch of test data sent to your serivce? Try mock data generator GUI.