Getting started
Learn how to use the free realestate events.
This document describes an event vocabulary for automating business processes across organizational boundaries in the residential real estate domain.
The vocabulary and related libraries are 100% open-source software actively maintained by a small but passionate community of developers and supported by forward-thinking real estate businesses.
About the project
A community of vendors and practitioners making data integration easier.
Data Model
Creating open models to standardize data.
Technology Background
How it works.
API reference
Learn to easily customize and modify your app's visual design to fit your brand.
Use, add or enhance the open data models. Connect to the network publishing and subscribing to real time event messages. Utilize the developer tools to build and manager your APIs.
Join the community
Together we can expand innovation. Embracing open standards makes data transmision between applications a simple process. With greater data access, and access to new types of data, we can create new products and services that enhance our industry.
Join a growing community of innovative companies who embrace data standards and simplified integrations. The easy to use developer tools will make your next integration your easiest integration.
Technical Acknowledgements
The Real Estate vocabulary is largely based on the tremendous work being done at
Linked Data Platform and Notifications are W3C specs credited to Sarven Capadisli, University of Bonn, Amy Guy, University of Edinburgh, Steve Speicher, IBM Corporation John Arwe, IBM Corporation Ashok Malhotra, Oracle Corporation
The Profile schema comes from the SOLID project developed at MIT.
And all of the above can be traced directly to the work of the incomparable Tim Berners-Lee.